Ray Gunn

Spaceman astronaut cosmonaut detective daily mobster special agent ray gun vest helmet sketchbookjack character design

Special Agent Ray Gunn

(In an alliterative alternating alphabetical style)

The administer of audits to

astronautical aberrant assemblies.

Beware, bad beings!  Blasting boundaries

by breaking up brigades of bandits.

Conducting cross-examinations, convinced

of cosmological criminal conspiracies.

The Directing Detective, at the

Department of Dendrochronological Dissonance,

eagerly explores extralegal extraterrestrials

 as the egalitarian, earthling exponent.

Fiercely foraging the future for

felonious, futuristic fugitives,

he gratefully gathers the goods on

greedy, galactic gangsters.

Hopefully, helping harmony here, from

horrible hypothetical hooligans.

He is: Special Agent Ray Gunn.

Specially designed for the Ray Gun illustration blog.

Boss Boston

Boss Boston character design illustration cartoon black and white cartoon daily mobster sketchbookjack bowler hat ivy league vest fat

Boss Boston

(In the style of Limerick)

Boss is a gruff old mule,

and hails from true old school.

He puts on his best,

and puts the test,

the power of his mobster rule.

Blackmail to a government snitch,

Boss demanded to be instantly rich.

Snitch took up his offers,

cleaned out the town coffers,

all with the flick of  a switch.

The city’s a mess, all in unrest,

the cops come to make an arrest.

But who’ll do the time,

for plotting the crime?

No one suspects the guy in the vest.

His daddy was smart, and once he was taught

follow two things and never get caught:

Have friends in high places,

and cover your bases,

then sail away in your yacht.

“Crow” McCay

The Crow McCay Daily Mobster Cartoon Character Design Gangster Nose Trenchcoat black illustration retro turtleneck

“Crow” McCay

Perched up on the telephone pole,

sits a quiet, lonely soul.

Waiting, watching silently,

before swooping down violently.

In this town, there’s no lost-and-found

“Crow” picks up goodies dropped on the ground.

Coins, and jewels that folks may drop,

he can see it all from way up top.

Collecting and scavenging, keeping a stash

then off to the “Crow Bar” to spend his cash.

Just a common thief, a lonely birder,

working alone, avoiding things like murder.

First to the street before the sweepers,

finders keepers, losers weepers.

Illustration Friday: “Lonely”

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