The Earl of Grey

sir dalton grey image

Earl of Grey

Peering down from his castle on the hill,
The Earl of Grey heats a tea refill.
When money runs old and money runs deep,
he’s all the time needed for the tea to steep.

Puff puff, from the old cigar,
a royal boss, a king, a czar

No longer bothered with petty street crimes,
no thugs, no violence, oh those were the times.
An army of pawns, work like a game of chess,
he can just snap, and they clean up the mess.

Puff puff, from the old cigar,
pass the champagne and the caviar.

An empire of violence and crime at his feet,
it ensues on the street while he sits in his suite.
But when looking for clues, his payroll’s his muse,
to polish and buff any trace from his shoes.

Puff puff, from the old cigar,
will probably write his on memoir.

Boss Boston

Boss Boston character design illustration cartoon black and white cartoon daily mobster sketchbookjack bowler hat ivy league vest fat

Boss Boston

(In the style of Limerick)

Boss is a gruff old mule,

and hails from true old school.

He puts on his best,

and puts the test,

the power of his mobster rule.

Blackmail to a government snitch,

Boss demanded to be instantly rich.

Snitch took up his offers,

cleaned out the town coffers,

all with the flick of  a switch.

The city’s a mess, all in unrest,

the cops come to make an arrest.

But who’ll do the time,

for plotting the crime?

No one suspects the guy in the vest.

His daddy was smart, and once he was taught

follow two things and never get caught:

Have friends in high places,

and cover your bases,

then sail away in your yacht.

Madame Fox

madame fox sketchbookjack daily mobster

Madame Fox

Madame Fox is the queen of the flappers.

Things just might flap that you would rather not.

The Madame wears fox fur, but they aren’t dead.

She loves animals too much to kill them

so she forces them to lay around her neck.

They eat with her, it’s quite a sight.

She had a few run ins with them though, considering

the back of her neck looks like a pack of hot dogs.

Madame Fox likes to dance but she makes records skip.

She goes to the nightclub, but makes the band skip.

Madame Fox is the queen, she owns this town.

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